- Look up tide info for San Francisco
- Find hightide, lowtide, sunrise, sunset, moonrise, moonset.
- Record this timetable for reference however many days you’ll need.
- Use the schedule. Whenever possible, take a video clip of your surroundings in conjunction with the times – wherever you are, whatever you feel like capturing, however long.
- Label the videos according to their time and significance (e.g., 4:15/high tide)
- Some of the times are in the wee hours of the morning, naturally you can skip these; but, if you are awake and can take video, do.
- If you forget or if you miss a cue because you just cannot do it, go or look outside and shoot skyward as soon as possible. If possible capture the sun or the moon.
- Do this until you have 12 video clips.
- Edit together in imovie (free mac software) or whatever video software you have/prefer.
Randomness Recipe by Kevin Koleckar
- Take your favorite picture of yourself and import it into photoshop. Create a file with six copies of
your photo laid out in a grid. Each copy of your photo should be it's own layer. The first copy you
should put in the upper left of the document. The rest will get altered in the following way:
- Press 'command U' to bring up the hue/saturation dialogue box. alter the Hue levels as follows:
- 2nd copy- age
- 3rd copy- age oldest grandparent
- 4th copy- number of sexual partners
- 5th copy- add the age you are now to the age you were when you had your first kiss and enter that
number as a negative number
- 6th copy- the number of devices you own that tell time, multiply by ten and enter that number as a negative number.
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